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Inter Organizational Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Bury Organizational Systems - Essay Example ers has developed enormously since the underlying startup by the United States branch of Defe...
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Rise of Christianity vs. the Rise of Islam - 740 Words
The Rise of Christianity vs. the Rise of Islam The rise of Christianity and Islam happened during a turbulent time in history, when major civilizations like the Roman Empire and the Persian Empire were in decline due to political infighting, disease, and outside barbarians constantly applying pressure. Christianity was adopted in the heart of the Roman Empire, as a way to continue the influence of Rome, while not being able to control all of Europe militarily. (Rise of Christianity, 2012) Therefore, early Christianity, as adopted by Rome, was about maintaining influence in the continent through the use of priests and monarchs under a feudalist system of control. The main benefit of Christianity came from its use of Latin and the Bible, a common language across the old Roman Empire, as well as a new technology in books that enabled priests to record extremely deep and convincing stories in an easily index able format. The Roman pagan religion used tablets for its mode of communication , tablets which could not hold very much information at all, and that lost legitimacy compared to the life of Jesus and the depth of the biblical writing style. Christianity rose during an age of danger in Europe, and the feudal system with knights and castles was simply the most beneficial system of governance that humanity had. (Stark, 1996) Likewise, Mohammad and the followers of Islam used a similar method to create the Quran. The entire Quran read like a poem, and could be memorized byShow MoreRelatedThe Nation Of Islam And African Americans949 Words  | 4 PagesThe Nation of Islam was founded by Wali Farad in Detroit, Michigan in 1930. While Farad is credited with the foundation, most of the teachings came from a different movement. It evolved from the Moorish Temple of Science founded by Timothy Drew (Source 1). Drew preached that Islam was the correct faith for African Americans. Drew also preached that African Americans were superior to Caucasians. The Nation of Islam, along with being a religious movement, was a movement for change. They wanted to raiseRead MoreUnderstanding The Distributions Of Religions942 Words  | 4 PagesAtheism is the belief that there is no God and Agnosticism is the belief that the fact that there is a God or no God cannot be proven. Christianity is a universalizing religion. It is the dominant religion in North America, South America, Europe, and Australia. Countries with a Christian majority exist in Africa and Asia as well. There are three major branches of Christianity–Roman Catholicism, Protestantism, and Orthodoxy. In Europe, Roman Catholicism is the dominant branch in the southwest and east, ProtestantismRead MoreMonotheistic religions, especially Judaism, Christianity, and Islam promote the belief in One God;1600 Words  | 7 PagesMonotheistic religions, especially Judaism, Christianity, and Islam promote the belief in One God; all that exists is because of God. Through prophets and scripture, God portrays moral goodness and truth. Essentially, these three religions believe that God speaks to us, unveils God’s Being, and seeks to guide us through life. In turn, humans should embody the moral goodness and excellence that is revealed to us by God. These religions are taught based upon both scripture and reason. When readingRead MoreEvaluate the Changes and Continuities in the Role of Religion in Chinese Society from 600 to 1450.1043 Words  | 5 Pagesflourished during the Sui and Tang dynasty, it faced opposition from the government during the Song dynasty. Confucianism lost government endorsement during the Sui and Tang but gained momentum during the Song as Neo-Confucianism. Yuan dynasty promoted Islam and Tibet Buddhism but ignored Confucianism. Different rulers sponsored and protected different religions but Confucianism and some form of Buddhism have always been alive in Chinese society from 600 to 1450. After much political disunity and chaosRead MoreAfrican Civilizations And The Spread Of Islam1745 Words  | 7 PagesCornell Notes Topic/Objective: Chapter 8:African Civilizations and the Spread of Islam Name: Maddy Garza Class/Period: 4B Date: September 18, 2015 African Societies: Diversity and Similarities – Stateless Societies - Common Elements in African Societies The Arrival of Islam in North Africa The Christian Kingdoms: Nubia and Ethiopia Kingdom of the Grasslands Sudanic StatesRead MoreCartoon Outrage: the Jyllands-Posten Muhammad Cartoons Controversy946 Words  | 4 Pagesbut religious â€Å"integration†, which inspired him to publish those cartoons: We have a tradition of satire when dealing with the royal family and other public figures, and that was reflected in the cartoons. The cartoonists treated Islam the same way they treat Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism and other religions. And by treating Muslims in Denmark as equals they made a point: We are integrating you into the Danish tradition of satire because you are part of our society, not strangers. The cartoonsRead MoreAnti Islam Sentiments On American Culture Essay1696 Words  | 7 PagesThough there is a seemingly massive amount of people who have just now come out with anti-Islam sentiments, it is clear that this is not really the case. Citing the radical policy suggestions and bans suggested by Donald Trump, there is also reference to American history and how the citizens of America are, unlike Europe and Asia, products of immigrants who chose to come to America (aside from slaves and Native Americans). Citing journalist Rose Wilder Lane in 1936, they take her quot e that saysRead MoreStrayer World History Chapter 112348 Words  | 10 PagesReturn to skim any sections that seem unfamiliar. I. Opening Vignette A. By the start of the twenty-first century, Islam had acquired a significant presence in the United States . 1. more than 1,200 mosques 2. about 8 million Muslims (some 2 million are African Americans) B. The second half of the twentieth century saw the growing international influence of Islam. C. Islam had already been prominent in the world between 600 and 1600. 1. encompassed parts of Africa, Europe, MiddleRead MoreRadical Islam vs. Islam Essay1313 Words  | 6 Pagesthese radical Muslims changed the teachings of Islam using the man-made Hadiths and sunna (sayings and traditions falsely attributed to the prophet Muhammad) that contradict the Quran and allow them all kinds of oppression, aggression, and terrorism (2011). Misconstrued religious motivation has been at the heart of unrest in the Middle East for far longer then most can even imagine. Religious wars have raging between radical Islam, Christianity, Judaism, and all other opposing religions forRead MoreEssay about Religious Challenges to Constructing a Democratic Iraq3427 Words  | 14 PagesContents Abstract 3 The challenge of establishing a democracy in Iraq 3 History of Iraq 3 History of Islam 4 Tenets of Islam 6 History of democracy 7 Christianity and democracy 8 Tenets of democracy 9 Islamic thought vs. the keystones of a democracy 10 Can democracy take hold in an Islamic Iraq? 10 Conclusion 11 References 13 Abstract Islam has been Iraqs dominant religion for centuries. The religion plays an important part in every aspect
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Fidel Castro The Free Encyclopedia Essay - 868 Words
Fidel Castro From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This name uses Spanish naming customs: the first or paternal family name is Castro and the second or maternal family name is Ruz. Fidel Castro Fidel Castro - MATS Terminal Washington 1959.jpg Castro visiting the United States in 1959 17th President of Cuba In office December 2, 1976 – February 24, 2008 (Medical leave since July 31, 2006) Prime Minister Himself Vice President Raà ºl Castro Preceded by Osvaldo Dorticà ³s Torrado Succeeded by Raà ºl Castro First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Cuba In office June 24, 1961 – April 19, 2011 Deputy Raà ºl Castro Preceded by Blas Roca Calderio Succeeded by Raà ºl Castro President of the Council of Ministers of Cuba In office December 2, 1976 – February 24, 2008 (Medical leave since July 31, 2006) President Himself Preceded by Himself (as Prime Minister) Succeeded by Raà ºl Castro 16th Prime Minister of Cuba In office February 16, 1959 – December 2, 1976 President Manuel Urrutia Lleà ³ Osvaldo Dorticà ³s Torrado Preceded by Josà © Mirà ³ Cardona Succeeded by Himself (as President of Council of Ministers) 7th 23rd Secretary-General of the Non-Aligned Movement In office September 16, 2006 – February 24, 2008 Preceded by Abdullah Ahmad Badawi Succeeded by Raà ºl Castro In office September 10, 1979 – March 6, 1983 Preceded by Junius Richard Jayawardene Succeeded by Neelam Sanjiva Reddy Personal details Born Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz August 13, 1926 Birà ¡n, Holguin Province,Show MoreRelatedFidel Castro: The Clown of Cuba1612 Words  | 7 Pages Current leader and dictator of Cuba, Fidel Castro, was born on August 13, 1926 in Biran Cuba. As a child, Fidel Castro had a good life because his father was very wealthy. His fathers name was Angel Castro. He was very wealthy because he owned plantations and lands. Additionally, he was originally from Spain but then moved to Cuba. Angel Castro married to Lina Gonzalez. Fidel Castro had one brother named Raul Castro. Fidel And Raul always had a special bond between their brother relationshipRead MoreWhy Was The Body Not Seen By The Dallas Coroner?1397 Words  | 6 Pagestime, it was not a federal offense to kill the President of the United States, although it was a federal crime to conspire to injure a federal officer while he was acting in the line of duty. (Assassination of John F. Kennedy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, 2014) Why was the body not seen by the D allas Coroner? I found this to be Puzzling. Later federal agencies such as the Assassination Records Review Board criticized the autopsy on several grounds including destruction from burning of theRead MoreEssay on History of the Cuban Revolution1904 Words  | 8 PagesCuba and Fidel Castro. Foreign involvement from United States to control Cuba as economical ally, also Bastia treatment mistreatment towards foreigners from Haitian and Jamaican. The Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro use of guerrilla warfare and the peasant population of Cuba lead to successful revolution. The United States felt threatened about Cuban being 90 miles from florida spifly during Cuban Missile Crisis . So, many United states presidents tried to kicked Fidel Castro but failedRead MoreChe Guevara: Iconic Hero or Failed Revolutionary? Essay2365 Words  | 10 Pagesa famed revolutionary of the 1960’s. Even now, forty-four years after his death, his name and image remain popular. To some Che Guevara is idolized as a man of the people, a freedom fighter for the downtrodden, who gave his life in the struggle to free peoples of the world to live in a â€Å"better†society; for others he was a ruthless killer who was willing to die to be a martyr for his cause. This paper will look at the life of Che Guevara and what made him the cult figure in death he could not beRead MoreAssassination of John F. Kennedy931 Words  | 4 Pagespresidents of our time. Other assassinations of presidents didn’t have as many Conspiracy theories compared to the JFK assassination on November 22nd, 1963. Some of the theories include a Government cover-up, Mafia influence, and Cuban President Fidel Castro (Stern). The assassination of John F. Kennedy in Dallas, Texas, raised many questions that could not be answered and still have not too been answered. Before John F. Kennedy was shot and killed in Dallas, he and his political advisors were feelingRead MoreEssay on Violence: A Means to an End?2095 Words  | 9 Pagesthe movement, the dissidents are only made stronger. In order to foment social change and break free from oppression, the lower classes have historically attempted to arm themselves and fight to the death for their cause. Toussaint Louverture aroused his fellow Haitians around the cause of independence, and led them in a revolt against their French masters, and managed to make Haiti the â€Å"first free black republic in the world and the second independent nation in the Americas,†in 1804.1 This victoryRead MoreCensorship in Art733 Words  | 3 Pagescensorship are many Cuban exile groups who have caused a handful of Cuban performances to be canceled or moved from South Florida, reverting us back to a society lacking the cultural activates it needs to grow. According to the Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, censorship is an official prohibition or restriction of any type of expression believed threaten political, social, or moral order. This can be imposed by governmental authority, religious group, or by a powerful private association. OnlyRead More Censorship in art Essay715 Words  | 3 Pagesgroups who have caused a handful of Cuban performances to be canceled or moved from South Florida, reverting us back to a society lacking the cultural activates it needs to grow. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;According to the Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, â€Å"censorship is an official prohibition or restriction of any type of expression believed threaten political, social, or moral order.†This can be imposed by governmental authority, religious group, or by a powerful private association. Only theRead MoreGeorge Orwells Animal Farm Essay examples2468 Words  | 10 PagesThroughout the revolution in Animal Farm, the government was twisted from its original ideals to those of their predecessors. Similar can be said about Cuba’s revolution, whose economy â€Å"has been so thoroughly subordinated to [anti-imperialism, leader Fidel Castro, and socialized policies] that it has lost dynamism and became ever more dependent on outside factors†(Brown). Revolutionaries, besides a grasp for power and wealth, usually advocate independence from the powers that shackled them. Instead, theyRead MoreWho Killed JFK? Essay1699 Words  | 7 PagesBo bby Kennedy would eventually become Americas first JFK assassination conspiracy theorist. Oswald himself also had what appears to be curious ties to Cuba and Fidel Castro. In the months just prior to the Presidents assassination, Oswald was arrested in New Orleans for disturbing the peace while he was handing out pro-Castro leaflets. While in jail he was interviewed by the FBI as his own request. The U.S. Military has also been an easy target. By sworn testimony from Robert McNamara
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Narrative Writing free essay sample
Throughout my whole life I have always been a perfectionist. Everything I do has to be perfect even down to the tiniest detail. This has caused me to spend more than five hours on a project, taking the whole day to get the measurements of a cake just right or making sure I have straight A’s. The whole process of trying to achieve the unachievable was so exhausting and time consuming. One day my body could not keep up with the perfect work my brain desired. That is when the whole world I made for myself feel apart. My middle school years were very difficult. In sixth grade, I found out that I have anxiety which explained why I was always overwhelmed. A few years later, in eighth grade, I started being very upset and sleepy. As a result, I was diagnosis with depression. The whole rest of the year was filled with many ups and downs. We will write a custom essay sample on Narrative Writing or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page On the last day of middle school, I was excited that next year I would be able to have a new start. But over the summer I started having negative thoughts about high school. I would tell myself that if I could not handle middle school, I would never be able to survive high school. I later realized that because I was so hard on myself, I made myself believe that I could not get through high school. The first two months of school were good. I was able to keep up with my schoolwork and make some new friends. Slowly the work was getting more and more difficult. Worse of all there was a ton of formal writing. I could never come up with a topic to write about and the moment I did, the bell would ring. I was getting piled with work and I could not keep up. I stopped turning in assignments, which caused me to fall behind in many classes. Then I just gave up, I stopped doing any of the assignments my teachers gave me. I would come home from school and sleep for the rest of the day. At one point I started telling myself that if I was not going to do any schoolwork, then why bother going to school. School became a fear of mine, that I did not want to conquer. The person that I had been before was being taken over by another side of me. One that I was very unfamiliar with and scared of. I ended up taking the rest of the year off to get help overcoming my mental illnesses. I also started taking online classes so I could get the ninth-grade credits I needed. Taking that time helped me understand why I could not keep up with my schoolwork, I found out that I have dyslexia. Throughout my elementary and middle school years I found ways to cope with the dyslexia, so my learning disability went unnoticed. Without my difficult freshman year, I would have never known. This experience has helped me learn to see the positive side of every bad situation.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Kindergarten free essay sample
1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of: a. age b. gender c. mother tongue d. gross family income e. educational attainment of parents f. early childhood education g. availability of educational materials at home 2. What is the level of mother tongue based-reading readiness skills of the pupils in terms of: a. noting similarities of shapes and forms b. recognizing similar/different words c. telling the missing parts d. classifying objects e. building vocabulary f. matching pictures 3. What is the correlation of the mother tongue based-reading readiness skills of pupils when grouped according to: a. age b. gender c. mother tongue d. gross family income e. educational attainment of parents f. early childhood education g. availability of educational materials at home Hypothesis of the Study There is no significant correlation between the reading readiness skills and the profile of Kindergarten pupils. Significance of the Study This study will be beneficial to the following: 1. We will write a custom essay sample on Kindergarten or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page School Administrators This study may point out the need to evaluate the school reading program which serves as guide in guiding teachers improve reading instruction and consequently, the reading abilities of pupils. Administrators perform crucial roles in the attainment of objectives specified in their academic programs. 2. Curriculum Writers and Instructional Materials Developers Findings in this research may likewise be utilized by them as bases in the preparation of curriculum and instructional materials such as teacher’s guides and learners’ materials. 3. Teachers Results of this study may provide an assessment of the reading readiness of pupils for teachers to be guided in the planning, preparation and administration of reading instruction and programs for the pupils. 4. Parents Parents will be able to monitor their child’s reading progress and help in the remedial reading instruction at home. 5. Pupils They are the ultimate beneficiaries of this study as whatever findings will be the basis for improving reading instruction and reading program. This study will quantify not only their strengths, but also their weaknesses in reading readiness and be able to remediate them. Conceptual Framework Effective classroom instruction in the early grades is key to creating strong, competent readers and to preventing reading difficulties. When a child enters school, it is the teachers role to provide effective reading instruction. Although many others share responsibility for creating a supportive learning environment, it is the teacher who has the greatest opportunity and most direct responsibility for providing the instruction that inspires and enables the child to become a lifelong reader. The foundations of good reading are the same for all children, regardless of their gender, background, or special learning needs. All children use the same processes in learning to read. Some will need more help than others and may need more instruction in one reading skill than another, but all children must ultimately master the same basic skills for fluency and comprehension. Education is empowerment and language is the means to gain access to education. Studies show that quality education occurs most effectively when the mother tongue, the learner’s first language, is used for learning at the start. The first language is by far the easiest way for children to access the unfamiliar world of formal school learning. As a language of learning, the familiar language reinforces the value of the children’s home culture, worldview, and knowledge structures, as well as provides them with the foundational ability to learn to use language to learn. But when the language of learning and the language of instruction do not match, learning difficulties are bound to follow. To discard the use of the L1 in favor of an unfamiliar language upon the children’s entry into grade school is tantamount to displacing or disconnecting their foundational knowledge from the learning process and concepts confined in the classroom. When this happens, learners lose interest in their studies, drop out of school, or lose sight of the long term goal of getting educated, thus becoming underachievers. The Philippines is a multicultural, multiregional, multiethnic, and multilingual nation. It has around 170 different native languages. Deploying all these languages as learning resources is a formidable task. However, the enormity of the problem is lessened by the fact that 15 of these languages are already spoken by 95 percent of our population (Nolasco, 2010). From the 15 dominant languages, 11 mother tongues will be used as sole languages of instruction. They are Cebuano, Iloko, Tagalog, Bikol, Hiligaynon, Waray, Kapampangan, Pangasinense, Maranao, Maguindanaon, and Tausug . These MTs were chosen because they are the most widely spoken languages in the country (Isagani Cruz, 2010). Paradigm of the Study INPUTPROCESSOUTPUT 1. F E E D B A C K METHODOLOGY Research Design This study is descriptive in nature. This study attempts to measure the mother tongue-based reading readiness skills of kindergarten pupils and correlate the results to their profile. This employs the descriptive correlational design of research which attempts to describe the relationship between two or more variable. Research Locale This study will be conducted to the Kindergarten Pupils of Cabatuan East Central School in Sampaloc, Cabatuan, Isabela. Cabatuan East Central School is a public elementary school established since 1951. It offers complete elementary in multi-grade setting under the Kto12 Curriculum of the DepEd. It has been offering kindergarten since 2011. The school is located within the poblacion catering to pupils from the semi-urban barangays of Sampaloc, Centro and Saranay. Majority of its pupils are from Ilocano speaking communities where major economic activity is centered on agriculture. Cabatuan is a third class municipality in the third congressional district of Isabela. Respondents/ Sampling Target respondents of this study are the 58 kindergarten pupils of Cabatuan East Central School enrolled for School Year 2013-2014. Because of the limited size of the population, total enumeration shall be employed. Statistical Tools For Problem 1, simple frequency and percentage will be used. For Problem 2, the Likert Scale (weighted mean) will be used. For Problem 3, Chi-Square Test (significance relationship) will be used. End of THESIS PROPOSAL Questionnaire
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Caribbean English - Definition and Examples
Caribbean English s Caribbean English is a general term for the many varieties of the English language used in the Caribbean archipelago and on the Caribbean coast of Central America (including Nicaragua, Panama, and Guyana). Also known as Western Atlantic English. In the simplest terms, says Shondel Nero, Caribbean English is a contact language emanating mainly from the encounter of British colonial masters with the enslaved and later indentured labor force brought to the Caribbean to work on the sugar plantations (Classroom Encounters With Creole English in Englishes in Multilingual Contexts, 2014). Examples and Observations The term Caribbean English is problematic because in a narrow sense it can refer to a dialect of English alone, but in a broader sense it covers English and the many English-based creoles . . . spoken in this region. Traditionally, Caribbean creoles have been (incorrectly) classified as dialects of English, but more and more varieties are being recognized as unique languages. . . . And although English is the official language of the area that is sometimes called the Commonwealth Caribbean, only a small number of the people in each country speak what we might consider regionally accented standard English as a native language. In many Caribbean countries, however, some standard version of (mostly) British English is the official language and taught in schools. One syntactic feature shared by many West Atlantic Englishes is the use of would and could where British or American English uses will and can: I could swim for I can swim; I would do it tomorrow for I will do it tomorrow. Another is the formation of yes/no questions with no inversion of auxiliary and subject: You are coming? instead of Are you coming? (Kristin Denham and Anne Lobeck, Linguistics for Everyone: An Introduction. Wadsworth, 2009) Loanwords From Guyana and Belize Whereas Canadian English and Australian English, benefiting from the single land-mass of their respective homelands, can each claim general homogeneity, Caribbean English is a collection of sub-varieties of English distributed . . . over a large number of non-contiguous territories of which two, Guyana and Belize, are widely distant parts of the South and Central American mainland. . . . Through Guyana came hundreds of nouns, necessary labels of an active ecology, from the languages of its aboriginal indigenes of the nine identified ethnic groups . . .. This is a vocabulary that amounts to hundreds of everyday words known to Guyanese but not to other Caribbeans. In the same way through Belize come words from the three Mayan languagesKekchi, Mopan, Yucatecan; and from the Miskito Indian language; and from Garifuna, the Afro-Island-Carib language of Vincentian ancestry. (Richard Allsopp, Dictionary of Caribbean English Usage. University of the West Indies Press, 2003) Caribbean English Creole Analysis has shown that the grammar and phonological rules of Caribbean English Creole can be described as systematically as those of any other language, including English. Furthermore, Caribbean English Creole is as distinct from English as French and Spanish are from Latin. Whether it is a language or a dialect, Caribbean English Creole coexists with standard English in the Caribbean and in the English-speaking countries where Caribbean immigrants and their children and grandchildren live. Often stigmatized because it is associated with slavery, poverty, lack of schooling, and lower socioeconomic status, Creole may be viewed, even by those who speak it, as inferior to standard English, which is the official language of power and education. Most speakers of Caribbean English Creole can switch between Creole and standard English, as well as intermediate forms between the two. At the same time, however, they may retain some distinctive features of Creole grammar. They may mark past-tense and plural forms inconsistently, for example, saying things like, She give me some book to read. (Elizabeth Coelho, Adding English: A Guide to Teaching in Multilingual Classrooms. Pippin, 2004)
Friday, November 22, 2019
Biography and Profile of John Napier, Mathematician
Biography and Profile of John Napier, Mathematician The hand without a thumb is at worst nothing but an animated spatula and at best a pair of forceps whose points dont meet properly - John Napier John Napier was a Scottish ​mathematician and inventor. Napier is famous for creating mathematical logarithms, creating the decimal point, and for inventing Napiers Bones, a calculating instrument. John Napier While better known as a mathematician, John Napier was a busy inventor. He proposed several military inventions including burning mirrors that set enemy ships on fire, special artillery that destroyed everything within a radius of four miles, bulletproof clothing, a crude version of a tank, and a submarine-like device. John Napier invented a hydraulic screw with a revolving axle that lowered water levels in coal pits. Napier also worked on agricultural innovations to improve crops with manures and salt. Mathematician As a Mathematician, the highlight of John Napiers life was the creation of logarithms and the decimal notation for fractions. His other mathematical contributions included: a mnemonic for formulas used in solving spherical triangles, two formulas known as Napiers analogies used in solving spherical triangles, and the exponential expressions for trigonometric functions. In 1621, English mathematician and clergyman, William Oughtred used Napiers logarithms when he invented the slide rule. Oughtred invented the standard rectilinear slide rule and circular slide rule. Napiers Bones Napiers bones were multiplication tables written on strips of wood or bones. The invention was used for multiplying, dividing, and taking square roots and cube roots.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Competitive Advantage of Sales force.com Case Study
Competitive Advantage of Sales force.com - Case Study Example Finally, the paper will outline the action plan about how to implement the suggested recommendations. Basically, SWOT refers to strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats and this is a widely used technique by managers to determine the strategies that can be implemented by the firm in its operations (Strydom, 2004). As noted, Salesforce.com specialises in providing the CRM services and the section below outlines its SWOT analysis. The company is facing problems related to competition and its inability to realise profits from its operations. Essentially, businesses are primarily concerned with generating profits in their operations as their main goal. However, in this particular case, the main problem is related to intense competition facing the company in its operations. Indeed, competition is inevitable as a result of the fact that there are also other players in the environment in which organizations operate. Porter (1985) has suggested that there are companies with viable strategies that can hardly matched by their competitors and this gives them competitive advantage. Thus according to this concept, strategies such as differentiation, diversification low cost leader as well as focus can give the firm competitive advantage depending on how they are implemented. In the case of Saleforce.com, differentiation and low cost leader are viable alternatives that can be implemented. Differentiation entails that the company ought to design its products and services in a unique way in order to gain customer superior value. This will help the company to gain more revenue by virtue of charging high prices for quality products offered.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
WRITE-UP ON CONSTRUCTION PRODUCTIVITY AWARDS - Essay Example As our organization has grown, we've thought about it not like a challenge but as just another thing to plan and construct. Most companies worry about growth: Idealistic founders are afraid that, as the company grows, their influence will decline or their values will be forgotten or that they will become the new Enron. But we at TeamBuild think that this is an engineering problem just like building a house. A solid foundation is one that can endure building across all sorts of sizes, and our business and organizational model makes us capable of that challenge. TeamBuild prioritizes teamwork and camaraderie at every stage of its processes and every part of its internal culture. This is the most important way we enhance productivity: By making sure that every single one of our members is providing their own unique skill set, we guarantee that the whole is far, far greater than the sum of its parts. Our corporate social responsibility initiatives are a source of great pride, and we also think that they're just good business. Our team-building philosophies are integrity, teamwork, environmental care, commitment and quality. Our recent changes to our business model demonstrate this ability to change, adapt and create new options for growth. In 2006, we formed a High Performance Team or HPT with senior management and top members. The idea was to expand our organizational house by dividing into three teams and embrace three initiatives: Strategic alliances, people and in-house subcontractors. Top management set the stage by putting down the vision, the mission to complete it, the goals to complete that mission and to provide benchmarks to measure that success, and a model (attached as the figure, 'Teambuild House'). Our vision is to become a leading integrated service provider through process innovation and strategic alliances. For the communities we serve, the customers who seek out our assistance, and the people who will end up living in or working in the buildings we provide, we feel that we owe being as integrated as possible and providing as many different services as possible: A one-stop-shop. Our work on projects like Cerelia Vista, the Canadian International School and the Marina Bay Golf Course show that appeal of that mission. By being integrated service providers, we were able to create architecturally appealing designs. We were able to make sure that each of our customers got the exact solution for their needs and organization. Productivity is guaranteed when the producer is capable of handling every element of a project in-house. We avoid the â€Å"mythical man-hour†this way too: All of our team members are up to date on all of our projects. We are proud that we were able to design complex buildings for complex needs without needing to bring in excessive outside help. By aiming to be the best integrated service provider, we guarantee long-term productivity and profitability. Why hire many companies when you can hire one? Why risk worrying about each new contractor and sub-contractor being qualified, bonded, and ready for the task? If one company can handle the task, how much easier is that for the customer? We feel that, when the customer only needs to worry about one thing, providing us with the information to complete their goals, we serve their needs to the utmost. Our mission is threefold. First: We aim to deliver quality products and services to our customers. Many people think of construction and project design as a â€Å"hard†task, with very little need for interpersonal skills. We instead think that the process of providing products, the completed building, is inextricable from and intertwined with the process of providing services. We provide our customer many services. We give them ease of mind. People don't just want a good
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Lucas v Dole Essay Example for Free
Lucas v Dole Essay In the Fall of 1987, plaintiff Julia Lucas appeals the dismissal of her job discrimination suit. Lucas, a white woman, argues that she was the victim of reverse discrimination when Rosa Wright, a less qualified black woman, was promoted to the Quality Assurance and Training Specialist position at her job. The judge dismissed the claim, finding that Lucas did not make out a prima facie case (Open Jurist, 2011). Statement of the Problem Both Julia Lucas, a white woman, and Rosa Wright, a black woman, work for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). They both applied for Quality Assurance and Training Specialist (QATS) positions at the Flight Service Station in Leesburg, Virginia. Both women, along with nineteen other applicants, were qualified for the two positions that were available. Edward Dietz, the official who interviewed the top four applicants, selected Rosa Wright and another woman named Sharon Hall as the best candidates to fill the positions. Edward Dietz did not consider Julia Lucas. Lucas believed she was reverse discriminated and took the case to court (Open Jurist, 2011). Findings of Fact It was verified that although FAA determined that all nineteen applicants were ualified, Wright did not have a current Pilot Weather Briefing Certificate at the time of her selection, a QATS job requirement. Lucas presented other evidence in order to show discrimination. She testified to the subjective nature of the interviewing process, which consisted of five general questions concerning the QATS position. She presented Lucas v. Dole 3 evidence that her answers were detailed and job specific, while Wrights were broad and could apply to many jobs. Evidence also showed that in July 1985, Wright was given a temporary position involving education and training of students learning about the air raffic control system. The temporary position was not advertised to other workers in the customary way, and Wright was selected before some workers knew of the opening. Five other employees also testified that race may have been a factor in the selection of Wright and in other situations at the Leesburg facility. Favoritism there had helped create poor labor-management relations, although it is not clear whether the favoritism was racially motivated. The last piece of evidentiary support Lucas had was the comparison of her own professional experience and qualifications with those of Wright (Open Jurist, 2011). Impact in the Workplace Reverse discrimination is a controversial form of discrimination against members of a dominant or majority group, including the city or state, or in favor of members of a minority or historically disadvantaged group†(Wikipedia, 2011). Whether discrimination is reversed or not, Conclusions The judge dismissed the case, finding that Julia Lucas did not make out a prima facie case. In other words, it was not â€Å"based on the first impression; nor was it accepted as correct until proven otherwise†(Wikipedia, 2011). A prima facie case of unequal treatment by direct or indirect evidence of discrimination is under the McDonnell Douglas framework. To establish a prima facie case under the McDonnell Douglas framework, a plaintiff must show (1) she is a member of a protected group; (2) she applied and was qualified for a job that was open; (3) she was rejected, and (4) the job remained vacant. Lucas satisfies the basic requirements of McDonnell Douglas, except that the job did not remain open. In her testimony, Lucas admitted that she scored in the bottom third among the interviewees, and that those above her included blacks, whites and Hispanics. In conclusion, there was no evidence that racial discrimination was involved in Rosa Wright’s promotion. (Open Jurist, 2011).
Thursday, November 14, 2019
student :: essays research papers
1. How important were economic factors in explaining the colonisation of South east asia by the West in the 19th century? Economic factors: 1.     Colonies = profit †¢Ã‚     Desire for profit since earliest Spanish colonization -     Dutch and British trade and profit motivated -     although America and France had different motivations colonies needed to access raw materials eg tin in Malaya access to China, most proftiable market in Asia, given by colonisation of Vietnam 2.1 Merchant pressure Need to ensure trade concessions Some states reneged on trade agreements, eg. Burma Frequent attempts made by British to ensure King's cooperation, sent Residents, but King ignored all agreements, even extorted from merchants. Therefore merchants put pressure on Crown government to colonise Burma, only way for them to retain privileges and concessions. 2.2. Economic momentum - Led to competition among merchants for bigger markets - Competition caused by imperialist profit-gaining More concessions wanted once they are given - imperialism and trade factors had culmulative effect 3. Safeguarding Trade and Stability Anarchy and instablity disrupted trade, colonisation helped prevent this. eg. Burma King Thibaw was a weak king, responsible for anarchy eg. Tonkin Black flags from China caused trade disruption made protecterate by French Pirate bases colonised too. Pirates attacked trade vessels. eg. Aceh, colonised by Dutch 4. Economic Competition Placed importance on economic dominance mutal fear of losing out to one another in trade. Only colonisation gave solid footing in region and a share in trade eg. possiblity of Germany's interest in acuquring Northern Malaya concerned British eg. King Thibaw of Burma gave many trade concessions to French, British annexed Burma paritally to shut French out. 5. New markets for goods 1870s onwards, more and more European countries industrialising. Competition existed among European countries.Imposed tariffs on imported goods to protect embryonic industries. So Euro countries looked to cheaper Asian markets to sell goods and acquire raw materials. Political factors: 1. Status and Prestige France equaled acquistion of Indochina with increased prestige This due to past humiliation from defeat in Franco-Prussian war, produced great determination to retain prestige in rest of world through colonisation. 2. Protection of existing empire good example would be British colonisation of Arakan in Burma and later rest of Burma. Done to prevent turmoil in Burma from 'spilling over' into adjacent India, their empire. Would have serious implications on trade Proximity to 'turbulent frontiers' enough. Eg. Strife in Perak/Selangor. Secret society conflicts spread to Chinese secret societies in Straits Settlements branches. Protection from other European countries. Colonisation of Burma due to fear that French would border India if it gained control of it. Idealogical factors: 1. Religious reasons France and Spain French colonised Vietnam to protect French missionaries from persecution of Emperor Tu Duc.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Pretty Woman
The film Pretty Woman is a 1990 romantic comedy set in Los Angeles, California which takes place just following the 80’s era. The story of Pretty Woman centers on a Hollywood prostitute Vivian Ward who gets hired by a very wealthy businessman, (Edward Lewis), to be at his beck and call or escort for several business and social functions. During that time, they gradually begin to develop a relationship over the course of Vivian’s week-long stay in his suite. Edward then takes his lawyer’s exotic Lotus S4 Esprit and heads down Hollywood Boulevard where he took a detour to ask for directions.He has no other choice but to ask a nearby beautiful prostitute by the name of Vivian, who is willing to help him reach his point of destination. Edward hires Vivian to stay with him for an entire week as an escort for his social meetings and events. Vivian then makes a point that â€Å"it is going to cost him,†so in agreement he offers her three thousand dollars and acc ess to all his credit cards. He then tells Vivian that she needs to dress more appropriately so he sends her shopping on Rodeo Drive, only to be snubbed by saleswomen who disdain her because of her immodest clothing.Vivian runs into the hotel manager and he happily helps her buy a dress because she is with Mr. Lewis. When Vivian’s week is up, Edward tends to her and tries convincing her to stay. Vivian heads home with her friend Kit. Edward then travels to Vivian’s apartment and climbs up the fire escape, despite his fear of heights, with a rose between his teeth, to convince her. The film ends as the two of them kiss on the fire escape with a visual urban romantic metaphor being displayed.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
What do you consider to be the main causes of social conflict in Britain’s cities in the last ten years?
What do you consider to be the main causes of social conflict in Britain's cities in the last ten years? Stephenie Thourgood What do you consider to be the main causes of social conflict in Britain's Cities in the last ten years? This essay aims to introduce types of social conflict that prevail in today's society and identify possible causes to the social conflict that has occurred in British cities within the last decade. Social conflict is the struggle between individuals or groups of people within a society that have opposing beliefs/ interests to other groups. From these struggles, tensions are produced and are expressed in a variety of ways often through anti-social behaviour such as theft, drugs, riots, attacks, demonstrations, strikes, hooliganism and vandalism. The main focus of this paper will be the causes behind the riots in British cities in the last ten years, as riots are a form of social conflict easier to measure than the other forms; Riots occur sporadically and last for a certain duration. Crime for example is an ongoing process in all areas of the country. The essay will conclude by suggesting changes to be made to reduce social conflict in Britain. Britain has a history of city riots that were probably most prominent in the 1980's in areas such as Brixton and Manchester. There have been thirteen recorded riots between 1991 and 1992 where the police temporarily lost control over the violence. All of the riots occurred in council estates on the periphery of London in low-income areas with long standing socio-economic problems. Unemployment levels were far above the national average. The participants were predominantly young white British males aged between 10 and 30 years old. There tended to be a high concentration of young people, in some areas over half of the residents were under 24 years of age (Power, A 1997. ppix). Individuals in society have labelled this group of people the ‘underclass'. There are however different understandings of what is meant by the ‘underclass'. It would seem that in a time where the class system is supposedly dead, class differences still exist. The ‘underclass' in this paper will be considered as people with †low educational attainment, a lack of adequate skills †¦. ,shared spatial location, dependency on welfare, unemployment and under-employment†¦ pathological family structures and the inter-generational transmission of poverty; involvement in the unreported economy and a pre-disposition to criminal and disorderly behaviour†( Crowther, C, 1997 pp7). In the way that the working class had little power in the capitalist system until they formed a global alliance of all workers (proletariat), the underclass too struggle to make a difference until they unite and riot (Dicken, P 1990). There are many reasons behind social conflict and there are also catalysts that trigger the social disorder such as riots. Community is often a group of people with shared interests, a neighbourhood where residents feel a sense of identification and belonging. Traditionally a sense of community was based around the neighbourhood you resided. This concept is fast deteriorating as new community identities within communities evolve e. g. the ‘gay community' and ‘ethnic communities'. These divisions within the community produce conflict as the various groups have different interests and perceived priorities in the neighbourhood (Hogget, P, 1997). Social tensions also occur due to demographical factors surrounding the communities. The housing estates that often witness violent outbreaks tend to have a population of predominantly young people, unemployed or on a low income, living in council housing. The estate is then branded an economically deprived area. If there were a mix in the wealth of the estate then role models for the less affluent would exist and give the deprived younger resident something to aspire to. Due to the young age of a large percentage of the residents, they are easily influenced and attracted to the mobilized violence, as there is support from fellow young residents and peers. Smaller groups of youngsters living on the estates would find it difficult to make an impression as numbers would be too small to cause the large scale of disorder evident in the riots of the last decade. â€Å"A mix of more mature households with younger families would provide stronger community constraints†(Power, A etal, 1997, ppxi). There was an increase in the amount of migrants living in Britain since the 1950's, this is no longer encouraged and constraints have been placed upon the process. Newly arriving immigrants were housed in the poorer areas of Britain. Obviously different ethnic groups have different cultures and interests. By housing them alongside the poorer British residents, very different groups were forced to live together in one community. As a result of this process there became a high concentration of poverty stricken ethnic minority groups living in densely overpopulated areas, which created tensions and pressure on local services. Equal opportunities policies sought to eliminate racial discrimination suffered by the ethnic minorities, by increasing the amount of minority employees. White unemployed residents job-hunting would find themselves in direct competition with the minority groups and therefore feel bitter that the minority groups can obtain work in Britain where some of the British can not (Crowther, C 1997). â€Å"Although race was not a dominant issue in the riots, individual minority families became targets of hate†(Power, A etal. 1997 pp 20) The white residents of the estates wanted to blame someone for their undesirable situation and targeted ethnic minorities as scapegoats to take their anger out upon in some of the riots. The economic disadvantage of the residents of these estates also contributed to the outbreaks. Education was often not reinforced by families on the estates, as they too had never had the importance of education demonstrated to them. Due to the lack of education, they knew of no alternative option to voice their opinions other than by violent methods such as rioting. Low educational attainment meant that children did not have the skills required of them to become a member of the labour force, and so often became dependent upon welfare (Crowther, C 1997). The provision of welfare undermines individual responsibility by giving rational human agents the incentives to not work and provide for themselves, thereby creating welfare dependency†(Crowther, C 1997. pp9). Girls very rarely played any major part in the rioting. This can be explained by the fact that girls achieved higher in school. They were more successful than boys in gaining employment and so had a sense of self-fulfilment. As boys' educational attainment levels were lower they were exposed to the feeling of failure, which carried on into their years of job seeking (Power, A etal, 1997). Many of the girls may have been mothers and as mother women may have recognised their responsibilities socially and did not want to be associated with the violence. Males, however, did not maintain their social role as a father and readily participated in the riots (Ginsberg, N 1993). The recession contributed to rioting also as it caused changes in the labour market that when combined with racial competition led to ever increasing tensions: â€Å"Throughout the course of their struggle to improve their market situation the ‘white' labour force often entered into antagonistic relations with ‘black labourers. Thus the segregation of ‘white' from ‘black' workers is shaped by individual attitudes and actions†(Crowther, C 1997, pp 12) The young unemployed people become bored as they have much free time and limited finance to pursue on interesting activities/hobbies. As a result of this they often turn to crime for means of enjoyment, excitement and to increase their income. Unemployment can give people a feeling of low self worth and a lack of respect from their family. Various types of crime such as stealing a car may often earn them respect from their peers and families especially if there is financial gain. This had a circular effect however as crime on the estate caused conflict between the victimised residents and the criminal population of the area (Altman, I 1975). Political factors can also help to explain the reasons behind social conflict. The areas that tend to be prone to disturbance tend to be areas that major government programmes are focussed upon. The Government created massive programmes that entailed investing money to improve housing, transport and urban renewal. An estate based housing office, a tenants association, health projects, community development trusts, policing projects are examples of the types of programmes initiated. They aimed to improve the immediate vicinity of the poorer estates, but the programmes had a short-term impact. It is true that the projects improved the quality of life for the residents, but nothing was done to increase education or job prospects. The government provided the estates with no means to continually support themselves and sustain their improved lifestyle. After time the services became run down again and the unemployed resident is still poor and frustrated. Government resources were scarce as they tried to divide the budget between all the different needs of the sub-communities within the community (Hogget, P 1997). â€Å"The cost of growing dependency by community organisations on such programmes in any areas became apparent†¦. community groups often found themselves in a struggle for scarce resources†¦ which exacerbated existing lines of tension between communities of difference†( Hoggett, P 1997 pp10). Residents were previously not involved in the decision-making process on how funding was to be spent; they had no control over what was done in their community space. Had they been consulted they would probably have opted for a scheme that aimed to obtain businesses reinvestment in the area. â€Å"Most externally funded programmes were driven by outside constraints and did very little to change the prospects for young men or their stake in what happened†(Power, A etal 1997. ppx). Social aspects are considered to cause social conflict. All of the aforementioned reasons for social conflict lead to an accumulation of pressure upon a family. Home is perceived as a haven where people can take shelter from society, if the home is of poor quality and overcrowded with family breakdown there is no escape for those residing there; they are constantly faced with their deprivation and problems (Dickens, P, 1990). An increase in single parent families means for many youngsters there is no role model to reinforce ideal behaviour. From a study on youth and crime undertaken by ‘The Joseph Rowntree Foundation' it was discovered that damaged adults create damaged children (Power, A etal 1997). Poor quality parenting, parental conflict, little enthusiasm for education, criminal behaviour and poverty set examples to children that they too would follow. Pressure on the head of the family to be the provider can lead to tensions particularly if the family is in poverty and the parents are unemployed and dependent on welfare. The rest of the family may lose respect for that person, as they cannot provide an affluent lifestyle for their children. The media contribute to social conflict, as they provided a method by which the residents could communicate to the wider society. The media always reported on the riots and often exaggerated the situation. In some cases the media have been prosecuted for encouraging youths to riot so that the reporters could gain a good story for the sake of ratings. â€Å"the newspaper headlines provide a relentless reportage of the consequences of the collapse of excluded communities†(Hoggett, P 1997 pp13) Areas were often stereotyped as being ‘bad' by the media. The estates then experienced difficulties in trying to escape this labelling especially when applying for jobs. Weak social control caused by weak links with the wider society also contributed to social conflict. The youths were rarely punished for the riots and often gained support, attention and funding from the Government as a result. Due to lack of enforcement upon them they were constantly pushing the boundaries. They felt they had nothing to lose by rioting. Changes in society lead to increased tensions between marginalized groups and the police service. The police provided little protection to the community, they only responded to reported crimes. Due to the intimidation of the residents from the criminals on the estates, police struggled to find witnesses for the incidents. The police were therefore limited. Tensions between the criminals and the police grew, as the youths antagonised the police knowing that the police were unable to arrest them (Crowther, C 1997). During the riots the battle between the police and the youths was therefore often personal (Power, A etal, 1997). A diagram to show how rioting may occur. Riot Denial of voice Alternative power Boys excluded from family, Control battle school, work, leisure facilities Violence in public areas Loss of control Alternative voice Control vacuum Gang Formation Police challenge Hard tough style Rumbling disorder Intimidation, law-breaking Display of power Notoriety (Power A etal, 1997 pp53) Several case studies can be used to reinforce the reasons given. I have selected Blackbird Lees, and Bradford. Blackbird Lees is a housing estate located on the periphery of a large town in the Midlands in the 1950's and 1960's to house workers from the local industries. Only 8% of the houses were owner-occupied. The estate had few basic services such as shops, a medical centre, public houses and a bus route to the town centre. The population was predominantly young with 56% being under the age of 25, and 94% of the estates population were white. Unemployment levels were high at 42% and 22% of households were single parented. By the mid 1980's the estate was perceived as being one of the least desirable estates in the area. The area has a history of anti-social behaviour such as crime and harassment. The ethnic minorities were usually the first to be harassed. In 1992, the estate was awarded 15 million pounds to improve housing, services, diversify the tenure and increase resident involvement. A particular activity of the youths was to steal and ride motorbikes over the large areas of open space near to the estate. Residents wanting to use the green for other purposes felt too intimidated to do so. Petitions were drawn up and handed to the police who found it hard to impose control. Bikes were difficult to chase and often the bikers outnumbered the police. The riot was triggered by the arrest of three youths for a motorbiking related offence. Later that day fifty youths congregated and caused damage to the surrounding area in protest. More youths were arrested and the disorder continued and escalated over the following nights. On the fifth night 150 police with protective equipment took control of the situation and the disturbances ceased. Many residents, police and Councillors felt the disturbances were minor, and that the media exaggerated the events. There were conflicting perspectives of the role of the police; some believed they neglected the brewing problems for too long, whilst others believed they overreacted to the disturbance (Power, A etal 1997) Bradford is another area that suffered riots only this year. Bradford used to be dominated by the textile industry; due to the industry's decline many people were made unemployed. During the summer of 2001, riots broke out sparked by the general election. The area has a large ethnic minority population, high unemployment numbers and a substantial young population. A high percentage of voters supported the British Nationalist Party (BNP). The BNP gained much of their support by feeding from the tensions between the minorities and the ‘whites'. The BNP fuelled ideas that the ‘Asians' were taking all the benefits and jobs from the ‘whites', and that the ‘Asians' were the reason the whites were deprived. Both gangs had been involved in attacks prior to these riots. One night the ‘Asians' congregated in the streets and caused a full scale violent riot where the local vicinity was attacked and vandalised. It is thought they did this due to the propaganda spread by the BNP, which made them feel alienated in their own neighbourhood. The riot was very territorial fighting for social space to exist freely within (www. bbc. co. uk. news 2001). In conclusion, social conflict is the result of a concoction of factors that when fused together result in an explosion of disorder. The factors are social, economical, racial, demographical, political and geographical (Benyon, J 1987). When the status of these factors leads to a socially excluded deprived ‘class' of people who feel discriminated against, rioting is often witnessed. There are however, some more deprived areas where rioting has never occurred. This may be because there is stronger police control, or the age of the population may be evenly dispersed. All the areas that witnessed riots had large groups of young unemployed males living in a similar deprived geographical location (Crowther, C 1997). These men are â€Å"more vulnerable to group solidarity with other, similarly excluded, vulnerable, disorientated and poorly prepared young men†(Power, A etal, 1997. p51) These men were socially excluded and so rioted to release aggression, to be noticed, and to attempt to break the vicious circle they were born into. Riots are perceived by many as the ‘revenge of the socially excluded' (Crowther, C. 1997). Riots can produce results. The people involved in the riots are very rarely reprimanded for their actions, instead more money and programmes are set up to improve the infrastructure, services and support. Positive action needs to be taken in order to prevent further outbreaks. For a stable future young people should be taught that there are other non-violent ways to voice their opinions and recognise that an interest in their education can lead to better job prospects. A population mix should be generated in order to diversify the types of people living together. Activities within the community to relieve boredom and give people a shared interest should be initiated. Improved support should be given to parents and families and to community development groups. These ideas should be taken into account when planning future housing development and regeneration (Power, A etal, 1997). It is also argued that planning decisions from the past have contributed to the racial tensions and exclusion of certain groups by creating ‘ghetto' type areas through the housing policies (Solomos, J 1993). There are many aspects as discussed previously that when integrated lead to social conflict; the major cause being the long term exclusion and deprivation that the so-called ‘underclass' are made to suffer. They endeavour to change their situation but with so many limitations upon them, they are rarely successful other than through rioting. Multiple deprivation has dangerous consequences.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Self Efficacy
Self Efficacy Stress and Coping Stressors experienced Though performing housework chores may appear simple, I find it a major stressing factor. This is, perhaps, because I have to juggle between the chores and my challenging studies, thus making me strain in balancing the activities within the time limited.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Self Efficacy Stress Coping specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Health behavior and the stressors My unhealthy behavior of avoiding physical exercises is strongly related to the stresses I experience. In particular, during examination period, I am not able to engage in any physical exercise despite being aware that physical activities are therapeutic and help lessen the stress. I usually perceive physical exercises as a waste of time which could otherwise be used for studying. My thoughts are thus the etiology of the unhealthy behavior of avoiding exercises. Stressors mostly distract me from perfo rming any duties, even predefined ones. When I feel distracted, I have developed a habit of chatting for hours over the phone. I know that chatting does not eliminate the stress, but it provides me with a means of escaping from the stressors, albeit for a little while. Coping strategies and their effectiveness Planning and emotional support are the main strategies for coping with the stress factors. In planning, I usually schedule all the tasks I intend to accomplish in writing. This compels me to adhere to the schedule and enables me to prioritize my tasks. Planning is an effective remedy since it gives me an opportunity to appropriately manage my time, hence dispelling the fears of time wastage. Emotional support is also another effective strategy in managing the stressors. Accompanied with my family members and friends, I do not develop the feelings of boredom and loneliness because I feel encouraged. Health behavior and coping By applying the strategies to cope with stress, I am able to allocate time for physical activities. The more I engage in exercises the more I feel relieved from the stressors. This is because the exercises reveal me from boredom and make me feel happy, thus giving me positive feelings. Exercises also provide me with the opportunity of applying the strategies to cope with my stress and enhancing my abilities of dealing with the stressors. Self-efficacy I managed to attain a score of about 78 in all the exercises. I anticipated improving self-efficacy as I put more efforts to improve my workout. My self-efficacy was nevertheless affected by two situations that made me score a zero. The two events happened when I had a lot of work at home, and my friends came to see me.Advertising Looking for essay on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More To increase self-efficacy, I utilized Bandura’s two strategies, which were the vicarious experience and physiologic al states. In vicarious experiences, I leaned on my mates who encouraged me to follow them as they were studying yet had time to engage in activities like gymnastics. This helped me avoid becoming depressed. In physiological state strategy, I refined my thoughts to recognize that studies were not exhaustive, so I should have spared energy for other activities. This boosted my ability to handle stressors. Another important strategy that I employed was verbal persuasion when visitors were around. This made me more active and become appreciated with positive remarks. This encouraged me to work hard and boost my confidence. Headspace Program Headspace is a mental health program developed in response to the need to improve accessibility and effectiveness of healthcare to the youth suffering from cognitive and drug-dependent problems. The program targets at young people aged between 12 and 25 years. The initiative encourages the youth with cognitive disorders to seek professional help. Th e program also empowers the communities to be able to respond in time to the issues in focus. This is done through provision of education and trainings. The healthcare concepts of this program are established on the realization that adolescents do not meet mental health needs that must be addressed in their development using the available local resources (McGorry et al. 68). The program works by creating friendly platforms where the suffering youth can seek for help. McGorry, Patrick, Tanti Chris, Stokes Ryan, Hickie Ian, Carnell Kate, Littlefield Lyndel and Moran John. â€Å"Headspace: Australia’s National Youth Mental Health Foundation- Where young minds come first.†The Medical Journal of Australia 187.7 (2007): 68. Web.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The Invention of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd - Questions
'The Invention of Wings' by Sue Monk Kidd - Questions The Invention of Wings is Sue Monk Kidds third novel. Her first, The Secret Life of Bees, was a book club favorite that gave groups a chance to discuss race issues in the South in the 1960s. In The Invention of Wings, Kidd returns to issues of race and a Southern setting, this time tackling slavery in the early nineteenth century. Kidds novel is fiction, but historical fiction where one of the main characters is based on a true historical figure Sarah Grimke. These questions seek to get at the heart of the novel and help book clubs discuss the many facets of The Invention of Wings. Spoiler Warning: These questions contain details from throughout the novel, including the end. Finish the book before reading on. The novel is presented as a story about two characters, Sarah and Handful. Do you think their relationship with each other is central to how they developed? Or was the chance to read two perspectives more important than the actual relationship?This is also a novel about family relationships and history, particularly as seen through the women in the story. Discuss Sarahs relationship with her mother and sisters and Handfuls with her mother and sister. In what ways did these other women define who Sarah and Handful became?Charlottes story quilt is her greatest treasure. Why do you think that is? How does the ability to tell ones own story shape ones identity?Sarahs familys story relies on slavery. Why was it necessary for Sarah to leave all the things dear to her mother and family Charleston society, beautiful ornamentation, reputation and even place in order to live with her personal convictions? What was the hardest for her to break with?Religion is important throughout the novel, and Kidd gives readers the chance to see many sides of the early nineteenth century church: the white high church in the South, which defended slavery; the black church in the South with its liberation theology; and the Quaker church, with its progressive ideas about women and slaves along with its denial of beautiful clothes and celebrations. Slavery is one of the keys to understanding the complex history of the church in America. Discuss how the novel brings that to light? What did the book make you think about the role of the church? Were you surprised to learn that even among abolitionists the idea of racial equality was radical?Were you surprised by the reactions in the North to the Grimke sisters speaking tour? Were you aware of how strongly women were limited?Even the Grimkes allies suggested they hold back on their feminist views because they thought it would hurt the cause of abolition. Indeed, it did split the movement. Do you think this compromise was justified? Did you think the sisters were justified in not making it?Were you surprised to hear about any of the punishments that were common for slaves, such as the Work House or the one legged punishment? Were any other parts of the history of slavery new to you, such as the information about Denmark Vessey and the planned revolt? Did this novel give you any new perspectives on slavery?If you have read Sue Monk Kidds previous novels, how did this one compare? Rate The Invention of Wings on a scale of 1 to 5. The Invention of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd was published in January 2014It was chosen for Oprahs Book Club before publicationPublisher: Viking Adult384 pages
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Case study presentation+notes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Case study presentation+notes - Essay Example Time consideration is an essential factor in this regard. The non-discounting factors do not take into consideration time value of money and therefore are considered inferior to discounting cash flow techniques. With respect to the projects in this paper, both kinds of techniques have been considered, namely NPV and payback method (Bierman and Smidt, 2012). NPV is one of most preferred discounting techniques deployed in investment appraisal. In this method, future inflows are converted into present value by discounting them using a discount factor. The main benefit of discounting inflows is that it helps understand the actual worth of the inflows and reflects the impact of inflation and potential risks on the investment. Generally, cost of capital is considered as an appropriate discounting measure because it is developed using the existing market risk factor. There are two criteria for accepting a project: first, NPV should be positive and second, a project with the highest NPV should be selected. Negative NPV bearing projects are rejected because they would generate negative return in the long run (Sangster, 1993; Savvides, 1994). It was observed that none of the projects of Jones & Simpson Ltd generate a positive NPV. Project A generated a negative value while Project B was observed to break even. Breakeven stands for a no-profit / no-loss situation. If the company has no other choices besides project A and B, Project B is recommended because project A involves more investment and will generate negative return in the long run. Payback period is one of the non-discounting techniques used by managers for evaluating projects. However, this technique is used along with other discounting techniques so that the time factor is not neglected. Generally, managers analyse projects using NPV, IRR and payback period together. One of the key benefits of payback period is that it focuses on cash flow instead of accounting profit. The determination process is also
Thursday, October 31, 2019
How Did the Wright Brothers Pull-Off Their First Flight Research Paper
How Did the Wright Brothers Pull-Off Their First Flight - Research Paper Example Wings plus an aerodynamic body structure resulted in birds being able to ride the wind in a way that man could only imagine. That is until that fateful day when the Wright Brothers took flight in their technology changing invention, the airplane. These days, we all take our ability to take flight for granted. That is why we tend to overlook the fact that our ability to take flight is not as easy at we believe it to be. The Wright Brothers actually had to overcome quite a few obstacles in order to help man achieve his dream of taking to the skies in flight. This paper serves to look into the difficulties that existed during the time when the Wright Brothers were trying to get their dreams off the ground and into the air. Collectively known as the Wright Brothers, Orville and Wilbur Wright were actually inventors who are best known for being aviation pioneers. Inventors that they were, they had always been intrigued by the thought of flight and the history of man's quest to take to the skies. Little did they know that they would be the imagineers of an invention so out of this world for their era that their names would be forever etched in the history books. But their quest to build their first airplane, a flimsy looking, jurassic type of aircraft and actually get it to take flight was beset with problems that had the brothers wondering if they were not actually crazy for having undertaken such a gargantuan project with very little financial backing to help out. It was their belief that gliding itself and learning to master gliding controls were the key factors in creating flight. A reliable steering method was required in order to create a flyable machine since most people who had tried to take flight prior to their successful attempt ended up in deaths or serious physical injuries. Their observations of previous flight attempts led them to study and understand the importance of wing warping when it came to maneuvering the plane. They needed the plane to bank fr om side to side and tilt forward and back on its wings in order to pick up wind and speed to keep the glider up in the air. (Rosenberg, Jennifer â€Å"The Wright Brothers Make the First Flight†) Once they had solved the problem of wing warping, they next needed to find an engine that had enough horse power to push the plane from the ground and up into the air. However, no car company had the ability to deliver such a type of engine to them. So the Wright Brothers set about assembling one to their specific project specifications instead. (â€Å"The Wright Brothers -- First Flight, 1903†). After testing out their Wing Warping theory on kites, the brothers assembled their first glider in the 1900's and began testing various models with various enhancements to see which of their concepts would actually represent the reality that they sought. They performed most of their experiments on the beach at the legendary Kitty Hawk. Most of their experiments during this era turned o ut to be dismal failures because they tried to incorporate the theories of the earlier fliers into their own concepts. Thus rendering all their attempts unsuccessful. However, in 1902, the brothers did a wind tunnel experiment in Dayton, Ohio where the scale model of the glider performed as they expected using their new information and calculations. This accomplishment signified that they had finally conquered the problems relating to flight control. (Rosenberg, Jennifer â€Å"The Wright Brothers Make the First Flight†) Needless to say the brothers were ecstatic and looking forward to trying out the full model of their glider in Kitty Hawk based upon the information that they gathered in the wind tunnel. They invited a number of press people to witness their first flight but only a small town journal managed
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Nutrition in Home Care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Nutrition in Home Care - Essay Example This essay will discuss principles of nutrition, give potential problems for lack of nutrition and talk about therapeutic diet. It will highlight safety in handling food, discuss fluid balance and talk about community resources on nutrition. 2. Key principle of nutrition. According to Gibson (2005, p. 25), adhering to principles of nutrition gives the client strength and helps to maintain body weight. It replaces lost minerals and vitamins, boosts the immune and enhances response after treatment. The client should eat a variety of foods from the following groups; carbohydrates, protein, minerals, fats, vitamins and sugars. The foods should be taken in correct amount to maintain weight and should avoid dehydration by drinking plenty of fluids. The client can have regular exercise. Three main meals in a day with plenty of snacks in between can be adopted. Ingram and Lavery (2009, p. 218) note that, the body is composed of water, minerals, protein, fats, carbohydrates and refuse. Food t hat is taken builds the body. Food is important in giving the body energy, warmth and retaining heat and energy. Implementing nutritional principles enable a person to have energy, good health, and reduce sickness. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables for good health. Increase water intake. Take seasonal foods since they enhance nutrition. Take a wide variety of diverse foods and ensure food is taken in moderation. Whole food nutrition is better than separate nutrition element. Taking supplements is not an equivalent to replacing food. Take food that is good for eating and not poisonous or contaminated. It is important to discipline self to eat food in the right amount. Good nutrition can prevent and at times reverse illnesses. If nutritional principles are followed the cost of care is reduced since ailments subside. 3. Potential nutrition problems. Birchenall and Streight (2012, p. 19) mention that, home healthcare clients can experience nutritional problems despite paying attention to getting adequate food. One of the common problems is under nutrition which leads to weight loss. Weight loss can be easily identified and treated with balanced diet, correct food and beverage quantities. However, medication effects and depression that a client experience can lead to weight loss. The problem is solved by introducing feeding tubes to avoid under nutrition of protein energy. Another problem is deficiency of pyridoxine, folate, vitamin D and minerals like zinc. The deficiency of nutrients hinders healing of wounds and contributes to low immune. Additionally, failure to take adequate fluids causes dehydration. Furthermore, post prandial hypotension can occur and inevitably cause the home care client to have aspiration pneumonia. Aspiration pneumonia can cause a fall. 4. Therapeutic diets. Therapeutic diets refer to foods that are modified to meet the specific health and physical needs of a client. The modification is recommended by a nutritionist or a medical profess ional. The objective is to adjust the content of calories, texture or nutrients to the most appropriate depending on the client’s condition (William and Schlenker, 2003, p. 17). Therapeutic diets require patience and convincing to the client. This is because they may have body weakness, sickness, lack of appetite or self pity. It is easier to make them understand the use of diet by explanation. Therapeutic diet include food
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Interpretation Of Feeding The 5000
Interpretation Of Feeding The 5000 13 When Jesus heard what had happened, He withdrew by boat privately to a solitary place. Hearing of this, the crowds followed him on foot from the towns. 14When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them and healed their sick. 15 As evening approached, the disciples came to him and said, This is a remote place, and its already getting late. Send the crowds away, so they can go to the villages and buy themselves some food. 16 Jesus replied, They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat. 17 We have here only five loaves of bread and two fish, they answered. 18 Bring them here to me, he said. 19 And he directed the people to sit down on the grass. Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to the people. 20 They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over. 21 The number of those who ate was about five thousand men, besides women and children. The bibles new testament contains a plethora of information and stories that chronicle the life and times of Jesus. Most of the accounts in the new testament are filled with symbolism and are regarded as relating to matters of higher purpose and deep significance. The new testament still provides moral guidance and clarification on improving ourselves even two thousand years after the passages were written. One of the many well known accounts of the new testament is Matthew 14:13-21, otherwise known as the feeding of the five thousand. In Matthew 14:13-21 the structure is relatively straightforward. The focal point is certainly the miracle that was carried out to satisfy a need. But the conversation that leads up to it is significant to the interpretation, Jesus is using the miracle to get something more across. Jesus does not simply do the miracle, but first instructs the disciples to give the people something to eat. They, of course, have nothing to give the thousands. And so Jesus gives to them, so that they might give to the people. The point of the passage is the revelation of Jesus as the Messiah, and as the Messiah He can and will meet all the needs of his people. The principal message is for Christians to have the same compassion that Jesus did. If we see the poor, needy, hungry, and are stirred with compassion, then we must follow the teachings of Jesus. We are called by Jesus to feed the hungry. Though we may not necessarily have a lot to give, we may have more than the needy. We can reason that they will only squander what we give them, or that we should not give because it will only encourage them to remain poor and dependent, but that is not what the Bible tells us to be concerned about. In order to become more like Christ we will need to be moved by compassion, which we then go to meet the needs of the people. Another idea suggested by the passage is that the provision of food has a spiritual meaning as well. The people would have had it in their thinking that man does not live by bread alone, or, that God provides things for people in order that they will listen to Him. We too have received the word from the Lord, and so must give it to the people. Any time God provides something for people it is a call for faith, a call for them to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, and that they need to trust in Him. This message calls people to take the spiritual food that Christ gives and to give it to the spiritually needy people of the world. It may well be that in providing physical food for the hungry and the masses there will also be the opportunity to tell them of true sustenance. The provision of life from Christ is always available for those who are spiritually needy. The story of Jesus feeding the 5000 has a message and meaning that still holds true to this day. The story tells us to be compassionate for the needy, and to provide them with the sustenance of God. With Jesus showing compassion and contributing his time and food, he wants others to follow his lead and do the same. This miracle reveals Jesus power as the messiah, through his limitless capacity to satiate the needs of the people. Bible interpretation table Text reference Notes Introduction Literary analysis What form/genre is the text? Who are the characters? What is the point of the text? What words does the author use to get this point across? What is the style of the text? What images are used in the text? What type of tone is used in the text? What words are repeated? The text chronicles the life of Jesus with storytelling. The characters in the story are Jesus, the disciples and the 5000 people that Jesus fed. The purpose of the text is to spread the message of Jesus through one of his miracles. The image of the 5000 people is to provide readers with an understanding of the sheer numbers that Jesus had to feed. Historical background Where was the text set? What major historical events were taking place at the time in which the text is set? Where was this text written? Who is the author? When was this written? What major historical events were taking place at the time the text was written? What was the society like in which this text was written? What religious background needs to be known to understand the text? Who are the characters of the text and what was their role in society? What cultural context must be known to understand the text? The location of the story is somewhat disputed. Luke says it was in the area of Bethsaida. Therefore it would be somewhere on the northwest shore of Galilee. All of the gospels contain the miracle of the feeding of the 5000 so the identity of the first author is unknown. The story was probably written at the end of the first century A.D. At the time, Jesus was travelling around with his disciples, teaching the people. Jesus was asserting his role as the messiah. Theological Meaning What have others written about the meaning of this text? What is your interpretation of the meaning of the text? Others have written that Jesus represented Gods will to provide for his people. The food represents Jesus spirituality, which he then splits and shares with everyone else. Conclusion Why is this text significant? It spreads the message of Jesus with a relatively simple yet powerful story of one of his miracles.
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Jacksonian Era Essay -- American History, Politics
Whether people admired Andrew Jackson’s policies and decisions as president or did not; they can all agree that the two most important economic conflicts during the Jacksonian Era were the Bank War conflict and the Specie Circular Panic of 1837. The Jacksonian Era by Remini, should be renamed The Jacksonian Economy because the outcomes of these two conflicts were what made America’s economy today. In describing these two conflicts, Remini showed how Americas learned the hard way of what to do and not do in order to have a successful economy. The Bank War was important because it proved that the nation’s finances could not be trusted in the hands of one man. Jackson believed this to be true and fought to change it. He believed that the Second Bank of the United States was unconstitutional and that it posed a serious threat to the American economy. On the other hand, this American System which was inspired by Alexandria Hamilton, Henry Clay, and lead by Nicholas Bi ddle was meant to modernize the nation’s economy. Both sides of the Bank War would not back down, which lead to Jackson eventually closing down all banks because he believed they were devices to cheat common people. The other most important conflict which played a role in Jacksonina Era was the Panic of 1837. This was the most serious depression the young nation had seen yet. The economy suffered in a number of ways such as large debts, an unfavorable balance of trade as imports had exceeded exports which resulted in a loss of specie; and several crops failures had also taken place in 1837. Both conflict had enormous impacts on America’s economy and had many repercussions. The first important economic conflict that Remini presented was Jackson’s war against the Bank of the... ... passage of the Federal Reserve System. (P-40) Even though the Panic of 1837 had an impact worldwide, overall the Bank Wars had the most influential and long lasting effects on the United States.The Jacksonian Era was a trial and error period for the nation’s economy. Whether people admired Andrew Jackson’s policies and decisions as president or did not; they can all agree that the two most important economic conflicts during the Jacksonian Era were the Bank War conflict and the Specie Circular Panic of 1837. Both conflicts taught a life lesson of what to steer away from in order to achieve the American dream. Remini’s The Jacksonian Era taught economic and financial history by exploring the explanation and causes of the Bank War and Panic of 1837. For without the knowledge of these two conflicts, America would not know how its economy survived in the first place.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Operating system Information
Healthy, Empowered and Responsible community through delivery of quality health care services.To provide quality health care by competent and compassionate staff that is available, accessible, affordable, and sustainable for the constituents of racial. Development Plan Components/Network Configuration The consultant of Jackal Municipal Hospital (YAM) raises the question: â€Å"Is the network needed? †Most definitely a network should be established.Having intentions of using computers that want to â€Å"share†information, applications, or software implements the use of some type of network. Specifically, the idea was mentioned of using a database and sharing a community collection of client information. A logical topology setup with this given information and the company's desires would be to use a star topology. The star, built around a server-based network, will allow centralized accounts and file storage creating easier, central access with only having the employees to use a single account password.Employees want the ability to access to all files and services at the same time, using a server will be able to allot for he multiple requests to similar information without decreasing in performance. This setup will allow a server, client computers, and laser printer to be connected to a central switch that can share information across the local area network (LANA); in conjunction with this switch, a router, which is connected to a modem, will provide the local area network with an outside source to the internet.The server will act and provide the company's database of client files, a print server for a desired laser printer, and will host each employee's company e-mail account. However, a star apology creates flexibility and more usability for the employees, with any setup has it has couple potential downfalls. The physical wiring to connect computers on a star topology requires more labor and more cable for installation; running through the ceili ng, tight enclosures, or under the carpet can be tedious and slightly time consuming.Nonetheless, a server based network will well suited the setup, usage, and rate of growth of this Hospital Location of JACKAL MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL (YAM) Legal Basis This new network star topology, server configuration, and client computers will be overfed and control Microsoft's latest version of server operating system, Windows 7 Server With Windows 7 Server implemented, in conjunction with . Windows operating systems on the network, the hospital network services, security software, office productivity applications, and specialty software will be able to run effectively for company employees.Windows based, optional services such as Exchange Server 2013, SQL 2013, or Share Point Server operate effectively with the Windows. Office productivity programs such as word processors, spreadsheets, and presentation footwear will be available for employee use with the installation of Microsoft's Office 2010 Sui te; Microsoft's operating systems and their office productivity programs operate smoothly and have great file compatibility with each other. Accounting specific software and third-party business software, MOB Business Essentials, Sage Simply Accounting, or Quick Books 8. , perform exceptionally well across a windows based network and with the Office productivity software. Data Communication Media When relocating the business of operations to a new building and upgrading imputer equipment the need for new network media is a definite. Considering the specifications of the stationary, new computers, servers and network equipment CAT Ethernet cable is ideal. All of the newly selected units of business equipment have gigabit transfer compatible Nice and since CAT, to date, is the only HTTP cable capable of handling gigabit transfer it is the perfect choice for communication media.CAT cable and gigabit network cards will allow business employees and management to access server resources, transfer files, and provide a strong backbone for the business's data communication. Selecting CAT capable is the solution for the business's stationary computers, however suite the needs of the seven management positions that carry laptops a wireless access will be installed. A wireless access point will be able to support the business's laptops mobility capabilities.The employees with laptops while in the office will have the choice to either plug in with CAT or connect to the wireless to access the business's networked resources. Common Carriers and Services Usage Each employee in hospital is set to be outfitted with some type of computer that is unconnected to the new network; this is how will be how services and communications will be accessed and used. The business's internet access will be installed by local cable provider, Compact or similar.The services selected will provided a business connection that has Mbps download and Mbps upload speeds. The network capabilities will only be used by business employees and not the general public. Any client information or requested services will use a business employee as an arbitrator between them and the business's services. The employees will then access company services through their workstation or laptop, connect to the server that souses information, and use company software to satisfy client's requests.Employees business/client information. The employee will then choose the appropriate software to complete the client's request, either with network software or software installed on that business individual's computer. The reason why the network plan is being proposed : To create a LANA so that the employee can easily store a data on their own computer, with the used of the Ian, they can easily share and get data without being disturb. This way the work will be done fast and reliable to the employee in computer worker n the hospital.Network Diagram: (note: u can see the specs are bit low quality shown in dia gram sorry can't find any better pick in net sir) Investment requirement/Hardware Needs The new network proposal is completely is server-client network that totally revolves around the central server and its provided services, so to begin discussing new hardware lets start from the server and work outward. Before beginning individual hardware specifications, I have chosen hardware from Dell's business solutions. The business's services and resources will manage and controlled by Dell's Powered 800 Ill.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Personal Leadership Plan Essay
Aspiring to be a Life Coach upon receiving my degree in Human Services, I have chosen to write about the roles of Life Coaches and a projected practice I aspire to one day develop or be a part of. Throughout this personal leadership plan, I will include keys points of interest of a Life Coach; objectives, values, and ethics I personally feel should be incorporated, as well as the role ethics play within the profession of Life Coaching. Coaches work in a variety of specializations (such as personal/life and corporate/business) in order to help their clients. Coaches are specifically trained in coaching through a school or mentor coach, and use/incorporate their individual life experience in their practice. Although each coach measures their progress differently, achievement is always measured by progress made by the coaches’ clients. Due to the personal nature of most coaching relationships, this Ethics Code provides the framework and values upon which professional coaches, bas e their practice. The purposes of this Code are threefold. First, it provides the broad principles and values to which coaches subscribe. These include confidentiality and the utmost concern for the welfare and success of the client. Secondly, it provides rules for coaches to use in many of the specific situations that a coach might encounter. Finally, this Code is meant to serve as a building block for the ethical and moral standards of coaches. While each individual coach agrees to follow this Code, they are encouraged to supplement and add to it in order to build a lifelong commitment to building an ethical workplace and profession. -Objectives- The primary objective of my life coaching practice would be as follows: 1. Provide a means for individual students and clients to evaluate their own ethical standards and behaviors and make adjustments if necessary to meet the established standards. 2. Provide a means for participants of the life coaching practice programs to evaluate the standards and practices used by their students and clients and to validate that participants are receiving professional and ethically soun d training and development. 3. Provide a means for the life coaching practice to evaluate the standards and behaviors of students and clients to ensure a high ethical standard is being met. 4. Provide a means to educate the public and to promote the high ethical standards practiced by members of the life coaching practice. -Values- The profession of Life Coaching holds respect for the worth, dignity and capability of every human being as its primary value. Therefore, my life coaching practice shall not discriminate against anyone on the basis of race, color, language, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, physical and mental ability, economic condition or national ancestry. Furthermore, they shall work towards preventing and eliminating such discrimination in rendering service, in work assignments and in employment practices. The profession of Life Coaching affirms that all people have the right to well-being. In addition, all people have the right to learn the skills necessary for the development of human relationships and that each person has the right to self-determination with due regard to the rights of others. -Purpose for Code of Ethics- †¢ To define accepted/acceptable behaviors; †¢ To promote high standards of practice; †¢ To provide a benchmark for visitors, members and students to use for self evaluation; †¢ To establish a framework for professional behavior and responsibilities; †¢ As a vehicle for personal identity; †¢ As a mark of personal maturity; -Responsibility of Confidentiality- The commitment to confidentiality fosters open communication and is essential to effective Life Coaching work. Concerns about privacy and confidential matters can arise throughout the entire professional relationship. -Responsibility to Self- In private life or professional activity, an individual of the Life Coaching practices behavior reflects upon the profession as a whole. -Responsibility to Group and Individuals- Life Coaches should recognize their primary professional responsibility under all circumstances is to the group and individuals they are serving. Life Coaches should recognize that they bear a considerable social responsibility because their recommendations and professional actions influence the lives of others. -Responsibility to the Profession- The Life Skills profession has a public responsibility to provide competent coaching services. Therefore, individual Life Coaches are encouraged to support and uphold ethical standards and behavior.  -Responsibility to the Community- As Life Coaches are viewed as role models in the communities in which they live and serve, their integrity and behavior reflect upon the profession as a whole. In closing, the profession of Life Coaching is one in which is rich with ethical and moral influence. It should be the Life Coaches primary concern and intent to deliver the utmost level of ethically, morally, and lawfully driven and derived advice and assistance to each and every client he/she works with. It is important to remember, that all lives deserve and have the right to receive the same level of value and respect. It is also vital to remember everyone is an individual, and should be treated as such. Each client as well as the past and present situations they have/are experiencing are unique, therefore there is not just one way to coach all clients.
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