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Inter Organizational Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Bury Organizational Systems - Essay Example ers has developed enormously since the underlying startup by the United States branch of Defe...
Thursday, October 31, 2019
How Did the Wright Brothers Pull-Off Their First Flight Research Paper
How Did the Wright Brothers Pull-Off Their First Flight - Research Paper Example Wings plus an aerodynamic body structure resulted in birds being able to ride the wind in a way that man could only imagine. That is until that fateful day when the Wright Brothers took flight in their technology changing invention, the airplane. These days, we all take our ability to take flight for granted. That is why we tend to overlook the fact that our ability to take flight is not as easy at we believe it to be. The Wright Brothers actually had to overcome quite a few obstacles in order to help man achieve his dream of taking to the skies in flight. This paper serves to look into the difficulties that existed during the time when the Wright Brothers were trying to get their dreams off the ground and into the air. Collectively known as the Wright Brothers, Orville and Wilbur Wright were actually inventors who are best known for being aviation pioneers. Inventors that they were, they had always been intrigued by the thought of flight and the history of man's quest to take to the skies. Little did they know that they would be the imagineers of an invention so out of this world for their era that their names would be forever etched in the history books. But their quest to build their first airplane, a flimsy looking, jurassic type of aircraft and actually get it to take flight was beset with problems that had the brothers wondering if they were not actually crazy for having undertaken such a gargantuan project with very little financial backing to help out. It was their belief that gliding itself and learning to master gliding controls were the key factors in creating flight. A reliable steering method was required in order to create a flyable machine since most people who had tried to take flight prior to their successful attempt ended up in deaths or serious physical injuries. Their observations of previous flight attempts led them to study and understand the importance of wing warping when it came to maneuvering the plane. They needed the plane to bank fr om side to side and tilt forward and back on its wings in order to pick up wind and speed to keep the glider up in the air. (Rosenberg, Jennifer â€Å"The Wright Brothers Make the First Flight†) Once they had solved the problem of wing warping, they next needed to find an engine that had enough horse power to push the plane from the ground and up into the air. However, no car company had the ability to deliver such a type of engine to them. So the Wright Brothers set about assembling one to their specific project specifications instead. (â€Å"The Wright Brothers -- First Flight, 1903†). After testing out their Wing Warping theory on kites, the brothers assembled their first glider in the 1900's and began testing various models with various enhancements to see which of their concepts would actually represent the reality that they sought. They performed most of their experiments on the beach at the legendary Kitty Hawk. Most of their experiments during this era turned o ut to be dismal failures because they tried to incorporate the theories of the earlier fliers into their own concepts. Thus rendering all their attempts unsuccessful. However, in 1902, the brothers did a wind tunnel experiment in Dayton, Ohio where the scale model of the glider performed as they expected using their new information and calculations. This accomplishment signified that they had finally conquered the problems relating to flight control. (Rosenberg, Jennifer â€Å"The Wright Brothers Make the First Flight†) Needless to say the brothers were ecstatic and looking forward to trying out the full model of their glider in Kitty Hawk based upon the information that they gathered in the wind tunnel. They invited a number of press people to witness their first flight but only a small town journal managed
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Nutrition in Home Care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Nutrition in Home Care - Essay Example This essay will discuss principles of nutrition, give potential problems for lack of nutrition and talk about therapeutic diet. It will highlight safety in handling food, discuss fluid balance and talk about community resources on nutrition. 2. Key principle of nutrition. According to Gibson (2005, p. 25), adhering to principles of nutrition gives the client strength and helps to maintain body weight. It replaces lost minerals and vitamins, boosts the immune and enhances response after treatment. The client should eat a variety of foods from the following groups; carbohydrates, protein, minerals, fats, vitamins and sugars. The foods should be taken in correct amount to maintain weight and should avoid dehydration by drinking plenty of fluids. The client can have regular exercise. Three main meals in a day with plenty of snacks in between can be adopted. Ingram and Lavery (2009, p. 218) note that, the body is composed of water, minerals, protein, fats, carbohydrates and refuse. Food t hat is taken builds the body. Food is important in giving the body energy, warmth and retaining heat and energy. Implementing nutritional principles enable a person to have energy, good health, and reduce sickness. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables for good health. Increase water intake. Take seasonal foods since they enhance nutrition. Take a wide variety of diverse foods and ensure food is taken in moderation. Whole food nutrition is better than separate nutrition element. Taking supplements is not an equivalent to replacing food. Take food that is good for eating and not poisonous or contaminated. It is important to discipline self to eat food in the right amount. Good nutrition can prevent and at times reverse illnesses. If nutritional principles are followed the cost of care is reduced since ailments subside. 3. Potential nutrition problems. Birchenall and Streight (2012, p. 19) mention that, home healthcare clients can experience nutritional problems despite paying attention to getting adequate food. One of the common problems is under nutrition which leads to weight loss. Weight loss can be easily identified and treated with balanced diet, correct food and beverage quantities. However, medication effects and depression that a client experience can lead to weight loss. The problem is solved by introducing feeding tubes to avoid under nutrition of protein energy. Another problem is deficiency of pyridoxine, folate, vitamin D and minerals like zinc. The deficiency of nutrients hinders healing of wounds and contributes to low immune. Additionally, failure to take adequate fluids causes dehydration. Furthermore, post prandial hypotension can occur and inevitably cause the home care client to have aspiration pneumonia. Aspiration pneumonia can cause a fall. 4. Therapeutic diets. Therapeutic diets refer to foods that are modified to meet the specific health and physical needs of a client. The modification is recommended by a nutritionist or a medical profess ional. The objective is to adjust the content of calories, texture or nutrients to the most appropriate depending on the client’s condition (William and Schlenker, 2003, p. 17). Therapeutic diets require patience and convincing to the client. This is because they may have body weakness, sickness, lack of appetite or self pity. It is easier to make them understand the use of diet by explanation. Therapeutic diet include food
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Interpretation Of Feeding The 5000
Interpretation Of Feeding The 5000 13 When Jesus heard what had happened, He withdrew by boat privately to a solitary place. Hearing of this, the crowds followed him on foot from the towns. 14When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them and healed their sick. 15 As evening approached, the disciples came to him and said, This is a remote place, and its already getting late. Send the crowds away, so they can go to the villages and buy themselves some food. 16 Jesus replied, They do not need to go away. You give them something to eat. 17 We have here only five loaves of bread and two fish, they answered. 18 Bring them here to me, he said. 19 And he directed the people to sit down on the grass. Taking the five loaves and the two fish and looking up to heaven, he gave thanks and broke the loaves. Then he gave them to the people. 20 They all ate and were satisfied, and the disciples picked up twelve basketfuls of broken pieces that were left over. 21 The number of those who ate was about five thousand men, besides women and children. The bibles new testament contains a plethora of information and stories that chronicle the life and times of Jesus. Most of the accounts in the new testament are filled with symbolism and are regarded as relating to matters of higher purpose and deep significance. The new testament still provides moral guidance and clarification on improving ourselves even two thousand years after the passages were written. One of the many well known accounts of the new testament is Matthew 14:13-21, otherwise known as the feeding of the five thousand. In Matthew 14:13-21 the structure is relatively straightforward. The focal point is certainly the miracle that was carried out to satisfy a need. But the conversation that leads up to it is significant to the interpretation, Jesus is using the miracle to get something more across. Jesus does not simply do the miracle, but first instructs the disciples to give the people something to eat. They, of course, have nothing to give the thousands. And so Jesus gives to them, so that they might give to the people. The point of the passage is the revelation of Jesus as the Messiah, and as the Messiah He can and will meet all the needs of his people. The principal message is for Christians to have the same compassion that Jesus did. If we see the poor, needy, hungry, and are stirred with compassion, then we must follow the teachings of Jesus. We are called by Jesus to feed the hungry. Though we may not necessarily have a lot to give, we may have more than the needy. We can reason that they will only squander what we give them, or that we should not give because it will only encourage them to remain poor and dependent, but that is not what the Bible tells us to be concerned about. In order to become more like Christ we will need to be moved by compassion, which we then go to meet the needs of the people. Another idea suggested by the passage is that the provision of food has a spiritual meaning as well. The people would have had it in their thinking that man does not live by bread alone, or, that God provides things for people in order that they will listen to Him. We too have received the word from the Lord, and so must give it to the people. Any time God provides something for people it is a call for faith, a call for them to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, and that they need to trust in Him. This message calls people to take the spiritual food that Christ gives and to give it to the spiritually needy people of the world. It may well be that in providing physical food for the hungry and the masses there will also be the opportunity to tell them of true sustenance. The provision of life from Christ is always available for those who are spiritually needy. The story of Jesus feeding the 5000 has a message and meaning that still holds true to this day. The story tells us to be compassionate for the needy, and to provide them with the sustenance of God. With Jesus showing compassion and contributing his time and food, he wants others to follow his lead and do the same. This miracle reveals Jesus power as the messiah, through his limitless capacity to satiate the needs of the people. Bible interpretation table Text reference Notes Introduction Literary analysis What form/genre is the text? Who are the characters? What is the point of the text? What words does the author use to get this point across? What is the style of the text? What images are used in the text? What type of tone is used in the text? What words are repeated? The text chronicles the life of Jesus with storytelling. The characters in the story are Jesus, the disciples and the 5000 people that Jesus fed. The purpose of the text is to spread the message of Jesus through one of his miracles. The image of the 5000 people is to provide readers with an understanding of the sheer numbers that Jesus had to feed. Historical background Where was the text set? What major historical events were taking place at the time in which the text is set? Where was this text written? Who is the author? When was this written? What major historical events were taking place at the time the text was written? What was the society like in which this text was written? What religious background needs to be known to understand the text? Who are the characters of the text and what was their role in society? What cultural context must be known to understand the text? The location of the story is somewhat disputed. Luke says it was in the area of Bethsaida. Therefore it would be somewhere on the northwest shore of Galilee. All of the gospels contain the miracle of the feeding of the 5000 so the identity of the first author is unknown. The story was probably written at the end of the first century A.D. At the time, Jesus was travelling around with his disciples, teaching the people. Jesus was asserting his role as the messiah. Theological Meaning What have others written about the meaning of this text? What is your interpretation of the meaning of the text? Others have written that Jesus represented Gods will to provide for his people. The food represents Jesus spirituality, which he then splits and shares with everyone else. Conclusion Why is this text significant? It spreads the message of Jesus with a relatively simple yet powerful story of one of his miracles.
Friday, October 25, 2019
The Jacksonian Era Essay -- American History, Politics
Whether people admired Andrew Jackson’s policies and decisions as president or did not; they can all agree that the two most important economic conflicts during the Jacksonian Era were the Bank War conflict and the Specie Circular Panic of 1837. The Jacksonian Era by Remini, should be renamed The Jacksonian Economy because the outcomes of these two conflicts were what made America’s economy today. In describing these two conflicts, Remini showed how Americas learned the hard way of what to do and not do in order to have a successful economy. The Bank War was important because it proved that the nation’s finances could not be trusted in the hands of one man. Jackson believed this to be true and fought to change it. He believed that the Second Bank of the United States was unconstitutional and that it posed a serious threat to the American economy. On the other hand, this American System which was inspired by Alexandria Hamilton, Henry Clay, and lead by Nicholas Bi ddle was meant to modernize the nation’s economy. Both sides of the Bank War would not back down, which lead to Jackson eventually closing down all banks because he believed they were devices to cheat common people. The other most important conflict which played a role in Jacksonina Era was the Panic of 1837. This was the most serious depression the young nation had seen yet. The economy suffered in a number of ways such as large debts, an unfavorable balance of trade as imports had exceeded exports which resulted in a loss of specie; and several crops failures had also taken place in 1837. Both conflict had enormous impacts on America’s economy and had many repercussions. The first important economic conflict that Remini presented was Jackson’s war against the Bank of the... ... passage of the Federal Reserve System. (P-40) Even though the Panic of 1837 had an impact worldwide, overall the Bank Wars had the most influential and long lasting effects on the United States.The Jacksonian Era was a trial and error period for the nation’s economy. Whether people admired Andrew Jackson’s policies and decisions as president or did not; they can all agree that the two most important economic conflicts during the Jacksonian Era were the Bank War conflict and the Specie Circular Panic of 1837. Both conflicts taught a life lesson of what to steer away from in order to achieve the American dream. Remini’s The Jacksonian Era taught economic and financial history by exploring the explanation and causes of the Bank War and Panic of 1837. For without the knowledge of these two conflicts, America would not know how its economy survived in the first place.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Operating system Information
Healthy, Empowered and Responsible community through delivery of quality health care services.To provide quality health care by competent and compassionate staff that is available, accessible, affordable, and sustainable for the constituents of racial. Development Plan Components/Network Configuration The consultant of Jackal Municipal Hospital (YAM) raises the question: â€Å"Is the network needed? †Most definitely a network should be established.Having intentions of using computers that want to â€Å"share†information, applications, or software implements the use of some type of network. Specifically, the idea was mentioned of using a database and sharing a community collection of client information. A logical topology setup with this given information and the company's desires would be to use a star topology. The star, built around a server-based network, will allow centralized accounts and file storage creating easier, central access with only having the employees to use a single account password.Employees want the ability to access to all files and services at the same time, using a server will be able to allot for he multiple requests to similar information without decreasing in performance. This setup will allow a server, client computers, and laser printer to be connected to a central switch that can share information across the local area network (LANA); in conjunction with this switch, a router, which is connected to a modem, will provide the local area network with an outside source to the internet.The server will act and provide the company's database of client files, a print server for a desired laser printer, and will host each employee's company e-mail account. However, a star apology creates flexibility and more usability for the employees, with any setup has it has couple potential downfalls. The physical wiring to connect computers on a star topology requires more labor and more cable for installation; running through the ceili ng, tight enclosures, or under the carpet can be tedious and slightly time consuming.Nonetheless, a server based network will well suited the setup, usage, and rate of growth of this Hospital Location of JACKAL MUNICIPAL HOSPITAL (YAM) Legal Basis This new network star topology, server configuration, and client computers will be overfed and control Microsoft's latest version of server operating system, Windows 7 Server With Windows 7 Server implemented, in conjunction with . Windows operating systems on the network, the hospital network services, security software, office productivity applications, and specialty software will be able to run effectively for company employees.Windows based, optional services such as Exchange Server 2013, SQL 2013, or Share Point Server operate effectively with the Windows. Office productivity programs such as word processors, spreadsheets, and presentation footwear will be available for employee use with the installation of Microsoft's Office 2010 Sui te; Microsoft's operating systems and their office productivity programs operate smoothly and have great file compatibility with each other. Accounting specific software and third-party business software, MOB Business Essentials, Sage Simply Accounting, or Quick Books 8. , perform exceptionally well across a windows based network and with the Office productivity software. Data Communication Media When relocating the business of operations to a new building and upgrading imputer equipment the need for new network media is a definite. Considering the specifications of the stationary, new computers, servers and network equipment CAT Ethernet cable is ideal. All of the newly selected units of business equipment have gigabit transfer compatible Nice and since CAT, to date, is the only HTTP cable capable of handling gigabit transfer it is the perfect choice for communication media.CAT cable and gigabit network cards will allow business employees and management to access server resources, transfer files, and provide a strong backbone for the business's data communication. Selecting CAT capable is the solution for the business's stationary computers, however suite the needs of the seven management positions that carry laptops a wireless access will be installed. A wireless access point will be able to support the business's laptops mobility capabilities.The employees with laptops while in the office will have the choice to either plug in with CAT or connect to the wireless to access the business's networked resources. Common Carriers and Services Usage Each employee in hospital is set to be outfitted with some type of computer that is unconnected to the new network; this is how will be how services and communications will be accessed and used. The business's internet access will be installed by local cable provider, Compact or similar.The services selected will provided a business connection that has Mbps download and Mbps upload speeds. The network capabilities will only be used by business employees and not the general public. Any client information or requested services will use a business employee as an arbitrator between them and the business's services. The employees will then access company services through their workstation or laptop, connect to the server that souses information, and use company software to satisfy client's requests.Employees business/client information. The employee will then choose the appropriate software to complete the client's request, either with network software or software installed on that business individual's computer. The reason why the network plan is being proposed : To create a LANA so that the employee can easily store a data on their own computer, with the used of the Ian, they can easily share and get data without being disturb. This way the work will be done fast and reliable to the employee in computer worker n the hospital.Network Diagram: (note: u can see the specs are bit low quality shown in dia gram sorry can't find any better pick in net sir) Investment requirement/Hardware Needs The new network proposal is completely is server-client network that totally revolves around the central server and its provided services, so to begin discussing new hardware lets start from the server and work outward. Before beginning individual hardware specifications, I have chosen hardware from Dell's business solutions. The business's services and resources will manage and controlled by Dell's Powered 800 Ill.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Personal Leadership Plan Essay
Aspiring to be a Life Coach upon receiving my degree in Human Services, I have chosen to write about the roles of Life Coaches and a projected practice I aspire to one day develop or be a part of. Throughout this personal leadership plan, I will include keys points of interest of a Life Coach; objectives, values, and ethics I personally feel should be incorporated, as well as the role ethics play within the profession of Life Coaching. Coaches work in a variety of specializations (such as personal/life and corporate/business) in order to help their clients. Coaches are specifically trained in coaching through a school or mentor coach, and use/incorporate their individual life experience in their practice. Although each coach measures their progress differently, achievement is always measured by progress made by the coaches’ clients. Due to the personal nature of most coaching relationships, this Ethics Code provides the framework and values upon which professional coaches, bas e their practice. The purposes of this Code are threefold. First, it provides the broad principles and values to which coaches subscribe. These include confidentiality and the utmost concern for the welfare and success of the client. Secondly, it provides rules for coaches to use in many of the specific situations that a coach might encounter. Finally, this Code is meant to serve as a building block for the ethical and moral standards of coaches. While each individual coach agrees to follow this Code, they are encouraged to supplement and add to it in order to build a lifelong commitment to building an ethical workplace and profession. -Objectives- The primary objective of my life coaching practice would be as follows: 1. Provide a means for individual students and clients to evaluate their own ethical standards and behaviors and make adjustments if necessary to meet the established standards. 2. Provide a means for participants of the life coaching practice programs to evaluate the standards and practices used by their students and clients and to validate that participants are receiving professional and ethically soun d training and development. 3. Provide a means for the life coaching practice to evaluate the standards and behaviors of students and clients to ensure a high ethical standard is being met. 4. Provide a means to educate the public and to promote the high ethical standards practiced by members of the life coaching practice. -Values- The profession of Life Coaching holds respect for the worth, dignity and capability of every human being as its primary value. Therefore, my life coaching practice shall not discriminate against anyone on the basis of race, color, language, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, physical and mental ability, economic condition or national ancestry. Furthermore, they shall work towards preventing and eliminating such discrimination in rendering service, in work assignments and in employment practices. The profession of Life Coaching affirms that all people have the right to well-being. In addition, all people have the right to learn the skills necessary for the development of human relationships and that each person has the right to self-determination with due regard to the rights of others. -Purpose for Code of Ethics- †¢ To define accepted/acceptable behaviors; †¢ To promote high standards of practice; †¢ To provide a benchmark for visitors, members and students to use for self evaluation; †¢ To establish a framework for professional behavior and responsibilities; †¢ As a vehicle for personal identity; †¢ As a mark of personal maturity; -Responsibility of Confidentiality- The commitment to confidentiality fosters open communication and is essential to effective Life Coaching work. Concerns about privacy and confidential matters can arise throughout the entire professional relationship. -Responsibility to Self- In private life or professional activity, an individual of the Life Coaching practices behavior reflects upon the profession as a whole. -Responsibility to Group and Individuals- Life Coaches should recognize their primary professional responsibility under all circumstances is to the group and individuals they are serving. Life Coaches should recognize that they bear a considerable social responsibility because their recommendations and professional actions influence the lives of others. -Responsibility to the Profession- The Life Skills profession has a public responsibility to provide competent coaching services. Therefore, individual Life Coaches are encouraged to support and uphold ethical standards and behavior.  -Responsibility to the Community- As Life Coaches are viewed as role models in the communities in which they live and serve, their integrity and behavior reflect upon the profession as a whole. In closing, the profession of Life Coaching is one in which is rich with ethical and moral influence. It should be the Life Coaches primary concern and intent to deliver the utmost level of ethically, morally, and lawfully driven and derived advice and assistance to each and every client he/she works with. It is important to remember, that all lives deserve and have the right to receive the same level of value and respect. It is also vital to remember everyone is an individual, and should be treated as such. Each client as well as the past and present situations they have/are experiencing are unique, therefore there is not just one way to coach all clients.
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